Who We Are

How We Started

In 2013, a group of former refugees decided to formalize what they had each been doing as individuals- serving as “pathfinders” to newly arrived refugees in Iowa and offering everything from transportation services to basic living necessities to interpretation support during appointments. These pathfinders have made a commitment to “preserve our languages and cultures, understand our strengths, and leave a positive mark in history.” Part of this commitment means helping other refugees reach their highest potential in a new and unfamiliar environment. 
Formerly known as the CongoReform Association, the Refugee and Immigrant Association gained 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in 2015.
Today, we leverage existing informal refugee networks to make sure families from various countries know where to go for questions and support. We take pride in being an Association funded and partially led by former refugees, as we feel this allows us to target our services to meet the greatest need.

Who We Are

Our team is made up of people from all walks of life including those whom have never lived outside of Iowa to those who have been born in far-reaching places of the world. We come together to provide a welcoming atmosphere to our community.

What We Do

The Refugee and Immigrant Association exists to provide support and relief to new members of our community. One of our goals is to help with integration into the existing communities by providing connections between long-time residents and new arrivals.


1. Respect: We treat all people with dignity and respect that they rightfully deserve.

2. Integrity: We strive to conduct business in a way that is honest, transparent, and ethical.

3. Diversity: We offer equal opportunities to all customers regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

4. Community: We collaborate with other agencies and businesses in the community to provide services more efficiently and effectively.

5. Innovation: We embrace continuous improvement, bold creativity and change.